Saturday, November 10, 2012

Spinning is NOT the same as Twirling

Last weekend my friend Gretchen and I went to the New England Fiber Festival.  It was super overwhelming and SOOO much fun!  I wish I had broght my camera to take pictures of all the cool booths there was!

There were demonstrations and vendors and fashion shows and well...the list goes on and on.  Of my favorites were the lace makers (which I dont know how these women were doing this and not be blind.  My eye sight isn't that terrible and I was struggling to see what they were doing.)  I had always thought that lace making was another form of crocheting or something close to tatting, but I found I was very wrong.  Lace making is more like macrame or old school friendship bracelet making.  See the link below for a site about lace making:

There were also spinners of ALL kinds.  I had always thought there was only one kind of spinning - you know on a wheel.  But I learned there there is a type of spinning called drop spinning and you use a drop spindle which basically uses its own weight to spin the yarn.

My son has been trying to help me spin the ball of wool I bought to learn on.  All he really ends up doing is being really cute and distracting me. :-)

I'm very excited to be learning this new skill of spinning and can't wait to knit or crochet with yarn that I've spun myself!

I also cannot wait to go back to the New England Fiber Festival next year!!!!

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