Saturday, September 29, 2012

Keeping it Straight...

This may come as  shock to some of you but I have slight ADD.  It's not bad, but it does make it impossible to maintain focus on one project for very long.  This is why I do my best work when I have four or five (at the least) projects going on at once.  I had thought (read:hoped) that this would continue into motherhood, apparently not.  Now not only am I fighting my ADD but I'm also trying to sort out what my friends are calling "Mother Brain"  Wait...?  Didn't I just have Preggo Brain?  What do you mean I get to stay as forgetful as I was when I was pregnant but also now get to be scatterbrained???

Well not to fear faithful readers, the organization part of my brain has kicked in and we are finding ways around this insanity.  The main way around this insanity are lists.  I have what seems like thousands of lists.  Lists on dry erase boards for groceries/Target/home projects.  Lists in my daily organizer of my knitting and crocheting projects (which now that Lucas is a month old he is more inclined to sleep in his crib and not on my chest...kind of sad but cool too!).  Not mention using my daily planner everyday to keep doctor's appointments and home appointments straight.  Now that my hubby and I have just closed on our house there is a TON to do.  Painting, cleaning, unpacking, it's been crazy.

But thank god for lists, otherwise...well with a baby, a husband with a TBI, and my with ADD and Mother Brain...well it would all go to hell.

Oops, I'm off - Lucas calls.


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