Thursday, September 8, 2011

Stealing or Inspiration...You Decide

You would think that after having been crocheting for 20+ years that I would have a handle on creating my own designs.  Well you would be wrong wouldn't you.  While I have dabbled - for lack of a better word - in creating my own designs (like the totally awesome Lego Baby Blanket I crocheted for my cousin's baby) it takes a lot to really sit down and figure out a new design.

My solution?  I haunt crochet/knit websites (yes including Etsy) and study what's out there.  There have been some AMAZING items out there that I could never hope to recreate without a pattern, but there are other items out there that I look at and think, I know what book they found that flower in, or, they just extended a leaf pattern into a scarf with one row of single crochet!  Some of the pieces listed on my Etsy site have come from the inspiration of these other artists.

I had a hard time at first listing these items as I thought that it was rude of me to purloin these great ideas and then use them for myself, but as I've delved farther into the world of pattern making I've found several artists out there making the same things, almost to a T.  So I got over myself and listed the items on Etsy that were inspired by these tremendous artists.

On the other hand if something that I've designed were to show up somewhere made by some other artist I would be tremendously flattered.  Inspiration can come from anywhere - even a little bit of thievery I guess. *shrugs*

Well back to stealing....I mean being inspired.

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