Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Is there ever such a thing as too many projects?

I've decided to start a spreadsheet to keep track of all the projects I have to work on over the course of the next year.  I wish I could say that I'm one of those methodical people who works on one project until it's finished then moves onto the next project.  Sadly that is not the case.  I'm one of those people who isn't completely satisfied unless they're working on two or three projects (preferably four at once).

For example, right now I'm working on the last of my cousin's leg warmers (don't worry Beth, should be done here in the next few weeks) and a ____________ for a birthday gift for ___________ (not all my projects are public<3).  But is that enough?  No, today I'm going to get the main color yarn for a baby blanket for my girlfriend Brandee, and the first color for a stripped blanket that I have designs on making.  Four, that should be enough...I hope.

In any event that's why I started this spread sheet, because I KNEW that I had too many projects to keep track of.  So for all you gift knitters and business crocheters, you CAN take on more than one project at just need a way to keep them organized.  A spreadsheet works for me, but some people prefer a desk calendar with deadlines set for themselves.

So no, I dont think there's ever such a thing as too many projects, so long as I can keep them all straight.

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