Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Life always gets in the way.

I've been way behind on blogging - and for you regular readers out there I know that that can be kind of a drag. There's an story by David Sedaris called "Glen's Homophobia Newsletter" that has a line that says, "I know you subscribe with the promise that this was to be a quarterly publication....please keep in mind that this issue is twice as long..."

Now I can't guarantee that this post will be twice as long as any post I've done but I do hope to get somethings out that might help you loyal readers out there understand why my blogging has suffered.

1. The Lender.
Lenders are tools who don't want to give up any of their money even though they know that have  good candidate to loan it out too.  Yes my hubby and I have run into some financial issues in the past.  Do I think that we will again?  If we ever have kids then yes.  There are no really wealthy people out there with happy stable kids.  Will it be as bad as before no way.  Not ever again.  But this Tool is doing everything in his power to make it seem like we'll never be preapproved when all hubby and I are looking for is a timeline as to when we will be preapproved.  I dont think that that's too unreasonable, this douche however does.

2. Craft Fair Extravaganza!
In the past two months I've done 3 craft fairs with one more this weekend (on the same day as the Marine Corp Ball [Semper Fi!]).  Now that might not seem like a lot - especially when I have made bubkis for sales - but it takes a lot out of a person to load their car with a table, cash box, yarn, and all the crocheted goodies that I'm willing to sell.  Fun? Yes.  A learning experience?  Definitely.  Exhausting?  To the MAX!

3. Caregiver.
I am my hubby's caregiver.  and now there's a program through the VA that actually recognizes the work and things that caregivers have to give up for their veterans.  The application process is intense - in fact.  I have to go get Matt up in a minute for a doctors appointment for this program.  So basically here's the deal - if Matt is found in need of a Caregiver (ie me) I'll get paid a monthly stipend based on how many hours of care he needs, I'll also get free healthcare through the VA, and free mental health as well.  Thank god, cuz my crocheting and knitting is just getting tighter and tighter with the strain...

So those three things, along with a few minor bumps in the road (getting used to living not in the state I grew up in, making new friends, etc) have kept me from blogging the way I was in the beginning.  I hope that as time goes on and these things start falling into place ("Because they're gonna Megan," Hubby is telling me right now.  "Stop being such a pessimist things are coming together.") I'll be able to get back into blogging and make crocheting and knitting my full time job.

God and wouldn't that be awesome to get paid to do something that I really love doing?

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